Contact Management

Trinergy Identifies all entities inclusive within your church fund business operations, such as investors, churches, joint owners, beneficiaries, vendors, potential investors, potential churches, etc. Trinergy enables you to establish affiliations within your contact structures (families, church elders, etc.). Each contact can relate to unlimited addresses, phone numbers, e-mail addresses and user defined categorizations, which can facilitate effective marketing and administrative skills.

Account Management

Trinergy identifies different investment certificates, loan, and line of credit account types which have specific processing characteristics, including individual general ledger account identifications. The comprehensiveness of Trinergy’s account type identification allows high level of automation and flexibility in matching each church fund’s individual servicing requirements.

Financial Information

Trinergy’s general ledger design automatically creates and posts all your journal entries based on your daily processing activity. The journals can be drilled down to individual transaction postings within their participating sessions, enabling to significantly shorten your auditing exam. Financial reporting can be easily designed and configured, then exported to excel for manipulation and presentation. Automated processing of accounts payable, recurring financial transactions, and fixed asset depreciation adds to the time saving efficiency of your daily work load. For church funds with branch operations, Trinergy offers cost accounting reporting.


Standard reports provide selection, composition and reporting period attributes, enabling different versions of the same report. Automation is the key to effective process, enabling reports to be generated on specific date(s) with pre-defined frequencies. Notices and letters can be prepared, mail merged with Trinergy supplied data, and produced on-demand or automatically generated. Different statement formats can provide excellent communication with your investors and churches. Using Microsoft reporting services within the Trinergy refreshed data warehouse enables your church fund to customize reports, and dashboard presentations. Trinergy supports Microsoft Office365 with SharePoint capabilities.